10 Years of Purkay Labs

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year in October. This would not be possible without your help and suggestions on what to work on next. We look forward to (at least) another decade of helping your simplify your monitoring and airflow management needs.


  • Purkay Labs founded in October 2012 with the mission to help facility managers collect troubleshooting data in the white space.

  • Launched the AUDIT-BUDDY system - the first portable temperature & humidity monitor to measure temperature & humidity at multiple heights


  • Added the QuickScan mode to allow users to take quick scans of their environment and generate a static heat map.

  • Introduced the Excel Macro to allow users to read and customize their AUDIT-BUDDY data in Excel. (Discontinued in 2020).



  • Added an Airflow Management tool to software that allows users to use server delta-T data and CRAC settings to calculate amount of airflow reaching, bypassing or recirculating at the server.





  • Started the Purkay Labs Assessment Service, where highly trained Purkay Labs team members conduct an environmental audit of your white space and offer simple airflow management recommendations.





  • Introduced the Dynamic Heat Maps that allow you to use data from multiple AUDIT-BUDDY systems to create a real-time, real-data thermal map of your aisle or room.



  • Introduced the new Rental Service that allows users to rent AUDIT-BUDDY systems.



  • The Pandemic hits and Purkay Labs helps their clients, who are essential workers to supporting the pandemic.



  • Purkay Labs introduces the new AUDIT-MATE 2.0 program for both AUDIT-BUDDY Gen 1 and WIFI-BUDDY Gen 2 systems. This new platform allows users to customize scan settings, download/stream data, and new efficiency screens.



  • Purkay Labs adds a new sustainability feature called the Impact Calculator. Now users can calculate the impact their airflow (cooling) waste has on their OpEx, Carbon, and PUE. This builds on our core feature that allows users to use their temperature & humidity data to calculate how much airflow is reaching (and cooling their) servers.

  • Launch the Keep Your Cool Blog which focuses on simple airflow management strategies for busy data center operators. Started by our newest team member, Gregg shares his best practices honned from over 30 years on the job as a Data Center Manager. He has covered a range of topics from incorporating thermal audits into your preventative maintenance team to most recently how to handle tackle humidity in the Data Center.



How to Respond to Increased Data Center Demand & Energy Cost in 2023


2022 at Purkay Labs